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Is it possible to pour air over ?

(according to project by Pavel Cerný, Matrin Lopatár a Aleš Sirný z KMD ZŠ Klobouky by Brno)

Materials: 2 small plastic bottles, one big bottle with water

Preparation and application:

  • cut off top part of 2 small bottles - you will get 2 bottles
  • one of them put into big bottle with water so it is full of water
  • keep it under water nad turn it top to bottom
  • secomd bottle put into water so it is full of air (see a picture)
  • notice that water is not going into second bottle
  • bottle with air turn a bit on one side, when it´s edge is under opening of the second bottle with water


  • bubbles of air swim up, because air´s density is lower then density of water
  • air push under water
  • look at this experiment with chin up, prelévání vzduchu vám bude pripadat úplne prirozené.

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